Self Defense Keychains

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  • Regular price $14.99

  • 🚺💪 Self Defense Keychains - Stay Safe and Stylish!

    Introducing our Self Defense Keychains - because who needs pepper spray when you've got a bottle opener, am I right? 🙅‍♀️Each comes with a special car part!

    Each keychain in our collection serves multiple purposes, so you can defend yourself in style. 💁‍♀️ Here's what you get:

    🚨 Personal Alarm and Flashlight: Scare off potential threats and light up the darkness .

    🔨 Window Breaker and Seatbelt Cutter: Perfect for escaping sticky situations or just freeing yourself from a pesky seatbelt.

    🍺 Bottle Opener: Because sometimes the real danger is not being able to crack open a cold one.

    🖐️ Hand Sanitizer: Stay clean and germ-free while you fight off attackers with our convenient sanitizer keychain. (doesn't come with sanitizer - only bottle)

    📣 Whistle: Need help? Just blow the whistle and hope someone hears you over the sound of your fierce independence.

    Full Set: Get each keychain individually or go all out with our full set - because when it comes to self-defense, you can never be too prepared. 💪🔑 

    Makes a great gift to stay safe on the open road!

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